My World is Arranged This Way (Kyrgyzstan)

Director: Chagaldak ZamirbekovAuthors & performers: Aizamal Bektenova, Zere Asylbek, Eldana Satybaldieva & Saikal Zhumalieva (Biykech)
Musicians: Aiko & Zuu
Designer: Darina Manasbek
Duration: 2h 15min.
In Russian with English and Estonian translation.
Performance “My World is Arranged This Way” is based on a fusion of documentary elements and a playful theatrical form. The play’s four female characters, feminist girls, tell the story of Ramis, a young man who belongs to an ultra-patriotic group, and a girl called Žanõl, who is active in a feminist community, based on the story of Romeo and Juliet.
By organizing something like an Einstein’s thought experiment on Shakespeare’s theory of love, the girls try to prove or disprove the possibility of such an encounter and explore the different ways in which it might develop. In the process of searching for answers, it becomes clear that each of the characters lives in her own ambiguous reality, but nevertheless they have similar questions about life as a woman in Kyrgyzstan.
What will be the outcome of such a thought experiment, given that deeply personal discoveries, experiences and expressions are projected into it? You will find out when you come to see the performance. In the meantime, we are delighted to share with you the recipe for “My World Is Arranged This Way”.
We’re going to need:
- 4 pieces of personal stories (cut up and pickled).
- Patriarchy let through the mincer (save your fingers and nerves).
- Peel off the skin of insults and childhood traumas (found in every pantry).
- For stuffing, whip up a pre-prepared Shakespeare play of local consistency
- Add music and dance
- A pinch of poetry and prose to taste.