About the festival

In the summer of 2023 from 15 to 19 of August, Vaba Lava will host for the second time, the International Freedom Theatre Festival in Narva.

The Freedom Festival will focus on Ukraine, that is fighting for the freedom of previous and current areas with the Russian Empire and Central Asian countries that need to find new ways, roles and balance in the forming geopolitical situation. The festivals program includes small theatres from countries where there are serious problems with freedom of speech and where theatre makers have been exposed to censorship that restricts creative activity. 

The city of Narva is the right place to organize an international festival with this thematic focus – it is located on the border of two different civilizations, on one hand, the free world ends in Narva and on the other hand, it is the starting point of the free world.

The productions will be performed in different places in Narva. The heart of the festival is the Vaba Lava Narva Theatre Centre at Linda 2.


2023 festivali programm:

