2021 / Sacra Hungarica


What does it mean to be a Hungarian?
Two times Baumgarten Prize winner Tibor Joó, philosopher of history who studied the scientific concept of a nation, summarises his thought about this topic as follows: “Hungarianness is a two-folded phenomenon – on the one hand it is an ethnic-linguistic unity (people), on the other it is a spiritual factor which becomes a political unit (nation). Moreover, the Hungarian nation is not a phenomenon created by blood, language or statehood but also a fundamentally spiritual factor (genius).”
It is beyond dispute that our national belonging has a significant sacral aspect to it as well. Is it possible to discuss – and if so, with what tools – this sacral nature? How does our modern society reflect the questions related to the concept of nationhood? Does this modernity override the value system built on traditions or, on the contrary, is our present day characterised by the opposite? Are concepts invoked by terms such as patriotism, treason, national defence as well as civil and national responsibility still valid?
Sacra Hungarica was inspired by many works from the rich history of Hungarian literature. The director, who comes from a Hungarian family in Serbia, employs a working method of continuous guided communication with the fellow creators and participants during the whole rehearsal process as well as a thorough examination of the given topic in the widest spectrum possible, to observe it from as many aspects as possible. Apart from the specific literary works used in the play, the verbal material, which is the result of this peculiar working method, is also an integral part of the performance. This renders it fresh and valid today, as the individual feelings and fates add more shades to the canonised works. This contrast can and does make the discussion about this topic especially thrilling and modern.

Cast and crew
Directed by András Urbán
Dramaturg: Kata Gyarmati
Played by Katalin Homonnai, Dániel Lovas, Gábor Nagypál, Júlia Nyakó, Melitta Pallagi, György Sipos, Lajos Spilák

Music: Attila Antal
Lighting: Ninett Berta
Assistants: Katinka Rémi, Veronika Vajda

About the theater
Studio K Theater is the only independent theatre in Hungary that manages
a permanent venue and troupe and operates in a repertory system.
Its shows are aimed at audiences of all ages, including children, youths
and adults. It also receives other independent companies and productions
and supports young theatre creators. In addition to performing arts,
Studio K Theater has focused from the outset on equal opportunities,
supporting the disadvantaged, providing quality theater education, and
expanding access to culture. Within the frame of its Lifelong Learning
Program, the theatre’s team uses fine art tools to help elderly people keep
their minds fresh and remain active members of society.

Duration 1 hour 10 min.

The Performance is in Hungarian with Estonian, Russian and English surtitles. 

Personal ID is compulsory on Kreenholm territory.

Ticketsale at Kreenholm is only in cash.


Available soon

Festival program:
